Friday 9 August 2013

Starting Precautions

Learning to Drive

Handbrake (parking brake)

After completing the cockpit drill you should then check that the handbrake is firmly applied.

If the handbrake is on it will be in a raised position. If you are parked on a hill give the handbrake a firm pull upwards to take up any slack in the mechanism.

You may hear a click or clicks from the handbrake when you pull it up. This tells you that the handbrake is now acting with more force on the back wheels than before.

If you intend to release the handbrake before re-applying it, always press and hold the footbrake while you do it.

Neutral Gear

You or any other drivers of the vehicle you are using may have left the car in gear (i.e. any gear other than neutral). This may have been done by accident or deliberately.

A car that is left in first gear (when facing uphill) or reverse gear (when facing downhill) will hold the car stationary on the hill even without the use of the handbrake. If done with the handbrake the car is then doubly secure. It is a good idea to do this when parked on a hill, particularly if it is steep.

This is why you should always check that the handbrake is firmly applied before checking or putting the gear lever into neutral.

If you put the gear lever into neutral before checking the handbrake is firmly applied the car may roll away as it was the gear that was holding the car still.

If you are still not sure about these ideas ask for a demonstration from your driving instructor.


After you have carried out the cockpit drill:

Check the handbrake is firmly applied
Select neutral (if it isn’t already)

It is easy to tell when the gear lever is in neutral as it will move a long way from side-to-side.

Turn the key to the ignition position and then to the starter position for about one second to start the engine. If the engine fails to start first time wait a few seconds before trying again.

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